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Sci-Fi Stories for Curious Minds

Sci-Fi Stories for Curious Minds

Abstract Glow

Echoes of the Human Mind: Exploring the Frontier of Consciousness

Be Sure to Read the Fine Print

Paul Gamlowski

Updated: Sep 21, 2020

Written by Paul Gamlowski

Rob Jones presented his new app in a closed session to top executives.

Large monitors mirrored the displays of two smartphones.

“With the proliferation of contagious disease and new behavioral codes of conduct in the workplace, we’ve developed a proximity alert app.”

Rob stood a few feet away from his assistant Susan. “Susan, go ahead and run your app.”

Susan ran hers as well. “Ready.”

Rob stepped closer to Susan, and his phone buzzed, then as he closed in on her, a voice on his phone chimed-in, “Proximity too close, acceptance level required.”

Susan’s phone also buzzed and beeped, and on her display, it flashed a proximity alert saying, “Subject too close, swipe to accept.”

Susan swiped to accept, and Rob stepped toward her. They repeated the same procedure every time he came closer.

An exec in the audience raised her hand. “What happens if it’s violated?”

Rob answered, “That’s a good question. We’ve tied into the HR and management networks, and it’ll inform of ongoing violations. It’s up to your company to define the limits. But when there’s a government alert, it’ll reroute to authorities to request approval.”

“What happens if a person isn’t carrying a cell phone?” A male exec asked.

Rob responded, “This is our prototype app for the cell phone. It’ll be included on company badges that’ll know if they are being worn in the workplace.”

“What about public life?” Asked the same male exec.

Rob gestured to his assistant. “Susan, please turn off the recording equipment.”

She did so.

Rob answered, “It’s strictly off-record, but we’ve developed a system that’ll be part of everyone — for health monitoring to combat medical issues and to deal with all social matters.”

“Something ingestible?”—Asked another female exec.

Rob nodded and shook his head. “I can’t say more, just keep an eye out for swallowable devices.” He grinned and winked ... “And be sure to read the fine print.”

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